Benyfit Natural 80:10:10 Duck Meat Feast is a premium raw dog food, specially crafted for adult working dogs. This meaty recipe is packed with human-grade duck, including 10% bone and 10% offal, delivering a natural, nutrient-dense diet that supports optimal health and vitality. Perfect for dogs needing a lean yet delicious meal, this Duck Meat Feast provides a balanced, high-quality protein source that satisfies both their nutritional needs and taste buds.

High-Quality, Natural Ingredients: Made from ethically sourced, human-grade duck with 10% bone and 10% offal for a wholesome, tasty meal that’s closer to a dog’s natural diet.

Supports Strong Muscles & Bones: Rich in high-quality protein and natural minerals, this raw duck formula aids in muscle maintenance, bone strength, and overall physical wellness.

Ideal for Optimal Health: With a nutritious balance of protein, fat, and essential nutrients, this Duck Meat Feast promotes a healthy coat, strong gums, and an easy-to-digest meal for peak vitality.