Designed for the most active dogs, the Chuckit Ultra Ball is built for the most demanding use, it surpasses ordinary balls with its exceptional design. Designed to have superior bounce, buoyancy, visibility, and durability, the Chuckit Ultra Ball is the best fetch experience for your dog. Perfect for water activities, it has a dense rubber core and floats. Its vibrant colour increases visibility and reduces the risk of the ball being lost. Compatible with Chuckit Launchers and it comes in various sizes for every breed. 

Remember to supervise playtime and select the appropriate size and type of toy for your dog to prevent any mishaps. Regularly inspect the toy for damage or loose parts, as no toy is completely indestructible. With proper supervision and care, you can help your dog’s favourite toys last longer. 


Get the right size ball for your dog

Small Dog - 0-20lb 
For example: Jack Russel, Chihuahua
Medium Dog - 20-60lbs 
For example: Golden Retriever, Boxer
Large Dog - 60-100lbs
For example: Labrador, German Shepherd
Extra Large Dogs - 100lbs+
For example Great Dane, Mastiff
Extra Extra Large Dogs - 100lbs+
For Example Cane Corso, St Bernard